Course - (Target Batch)
Our Courses
Target Batch
Duration :
1 Year after Class XII (Target JEE - 2017)
Eligibility :
XII pass with Minimum 75 % or Top 20 Percentile.
Course Description :
This course is specially designed for those students who could not succeed in their first attempt along with board examinations .If you have set your aims high, if you want to touch the stars and reach the sky and more importantly - if you have the courage to say that you shall settle for nothing less than the best, then you - the XII pass student - are perfectly suited to this course. You might have realised by now that you have everything - intelligence, capability and willpower, but that you lack focussed guidance - the do’s and don’ts of IIT-JEE preparation and a stimulating atmosphere. At this juncture, we offer you our helping hand. Come, resurrect your confidence, shape-up your ideas, strengthen your foundation and get in to the top gear of IIT-JEE preparation with a course that can easily claim to be at par with the best offered anywhere in India.